Главная » Исполнители » Aztlan Underground
Настоящее имя/имена: Yaotl, Alonzo Beas, Joe "Peps", Caxo
Дата рождения: 1989
Место рождения: Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США
Лейблы: Xicano Records and Film
Сайт: http://aztlanunderground.net
Aztlan Underground is a fusion band from Los Angeles. Since early 1989, Aztlan Underground has played Rapcore. Indigenous drums, flutes, and rattles are commonplace in its musical compositions.

This unique sound is the backdrop for the band's message of dignity for indigenous people, all of humanity, and Earth. Aztlan Underground has been cultivating a grass roots audience across the country, which has become a large and loyal underground following. Their music includes spoken word ... Читать дальше »
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